"Lost Human Found Jungle" is a captivating painting exhibition that delves into the complexities of society, movement, and the power of togetherness. Through vivid strokes and intricate compositions, our featured artist, Marie-Chloé Duval, explores the enigmatic labyrinth of human connections and disconnections. Each canvas serves as a visual narrative, reflecting the myriad emotions and experiences that shape our existence in this fast-paced world. From the moments of being lost in the chaos to the serendipitous encounters that lead to being found, this exhibition invites viewers to ponder the essence of our shared human experience and the beauty that arises when we navigate the jungle together.
Opening Reception:
Friday, September 8th
6 - 8 PM
Friday, September 8th - Tuesday, September 26th
for information please:
522 West 23rd Street
New York, NY, 10011
Ground floor, under the High Line
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday- Saturday | 11 AM - 8 PM
and by appointments
A look into the studio of Marie-Chloé
About the Artist:
Marie-Chloé Duval, originally from Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada, has a diverse and adventurous path in her artistic career. After initially pursuing an academic career in criminology, Duval discovered her passion for art while finishing her graduate studies. Her thesis writing served as the catalyst for expressing herself and illustrating her vision of humanity and society through her work.
Duval honed her visual identity and explored photography before fully committing to painting in 2016. She made a strong impression in her first symposium by winning 5 prizes, and since then has gained recognition with solo and group exhibitions around the world. Her curiosity and desire for knowledge have also led her to participate in multiple artistic residencies in Canada and Europe. She is deeply engaged in the artistic community, serving as vice-president of art center boards, participating in residential projects for artists, and writing for art blogs.
Currently based in New York City, Duval draws inspiration from the endless human actions that surround her. She holds a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Concordia University and she is now completing her Master degree in Fine Arts at the New-York Studio School.
This exhibition is presented by Nicolas Auvray Gallery
Nicolas Auvray Gallery
522 West 23rd Street, New York, NY, 10011
Ground floor, under the High Line
Gallery Hours: Tuesday- Saturday | 11 AM - 8 PM and by appointments
Nicolas Auvray Gallery
+ 1 917 340 3639
contact: Nicolas Auvray